AFPA - Australian Forest Products Association
ATFA – Australasian Timber Flooring Association
BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) RATING
Forestry Corporation of NSW
Master Builders' Association of New South Wales
Master Builders' Association of Victoria
PEFC - Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification
Responsible Wood
Timber Development Association
National Timber & Hardware Association - NTHA
Wood Solutions
Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA)
Grading is distinguished by selective gum veins, spirals, burls, insect trails and other features that give timber floors a unique character, as individual as a signature. Pentarch Forestry™ flooring is not graded for colour variation or grain patterns as they form part of the natural beauty of timber flooring.
Standard and Better Grade
Carefully graded to include the most interesting and moderate timber characteristics. This grade offers a minimum level of natural features suited to most design styles.
Natural Grade
Pentarch Forestry’s rustic grade displaying a high level of natural features. This grade offers a unique, aged look with extenuated natural features and is well-suited to both commercial interiors and traditional decors.
Sticker Marks - Natural Grade Only
Stains and sticker marks are a permissible feature on natural grade only.
Engineered Flooring Product Warranty
Engineered Flooring Metallon XL™ Product Warranty